About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
I'm an arts management worker/ artist/ designer. I work at Accessible Arts in administration and bookkeeping, but also work on various freelance activities from photography to graphic design. I'm Associate Partner at the ARI, the Big Fag Press, board member of Runway Australian Experimental Art and occasionally work at Bailey and Yang Consultants. My creative work has often been driven by social issues and commentary. This blog started as a way of documenting research for my honours year at uni, which I have continued, in order to gather inspiration for future artistic practice.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Francis Bacon AGNSW

Normally, I'm more a fan of the contemporary art side of things, but I don't pass up the chance to see complete collections of renowned artists' whom I've studied, when they're exhibited in Sydney for a short time.

Conceptually, I liked seeing the progression of Bacon's art to the events happening both in the world (such as the legalisation of homosexual sex), and in his life (such as the death of his lover). His paintings offered a window into his personality and struggles.

Many of his works were portraits of people he had strong relationships with, and some of his source material like photographs found in his studio really struck me.

*2 images: Photographer John Deakin

Often, exhibitions inspire me in strange ways, and I find myself rushing home to start a new project of some kind. In this case, I dug out my old SLR camera and am currently planning on reminding myself how to load/develop/print film photos so that I can justify taking both my DSLR and my SLR with me on my trip to Vietnam early next year. It's been a very long time since I've done any portrait SLR work, and I just realised how much I missed it.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Ivory Tower project is complete!

Here are a few images of the magazine, street art, and some sneak peaks into some photoshoots and other content.

*Artwork by Justin White

*Artwork by Giopet

*Artwork by Linda Wilken

*Artwork by Daniel Caballero 

*Photograph by Tristan Fitzherbert-Smith 

 *Photograph by Tristan Fitzherbert-Smith 

*Artwork by Max Temkin

*Photograph by Louise Kate Anderson

 *Photograph by Tristan Fitzherbert-Smith 

 *Artwork by Louise Kate Anderson

Tomorrow, I give the final presentation of my university degree!
Anyone interested in coming to see the UTS fashion exhibition Future of Fashion Showcase, please contact me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So I'm in the last week of my honours major project! Not getting much sleep, but every day gets me a step closer. I've set my print deadline for next Monday or if I have to, Tuesday. Then I have two weeks while proofs and prints are happening to put up the rest of my Street Art, work on my website, load things onto The Loop and update various social media platforms like my facebook page, twitter @LouiseKAnderson, and Instagram (LouiseKateAnderson).

I've joined in to work on promoting our year group through our social media pages as well. @utsfashion, #utsfashion, #futureoffashion, and UTS: Fashion, not to mention our continued fundraising from raffle tickets, & cupcakes every Monday in the DAB building, and our Pozible page.

Our catwalk is the evening of the 4th December in the UTS great hall. The exhibition there at #fashionspace runs for a week.

*Instagram photo mine. Cupcakes by Amanda Algeo

Friday, September 21, 2012

PRINTING!!! (and web stuff)

So I finally finished designing my Street Art - I'm proud to say it's almost all my own work, I just got a little bit of feedback help with things like fonts and layout.

I got my plates made up the other day at Imagination Graphics. I'm glad I checked everything as (LITERALLY) the last second because my QR codes didn't work!!! Thankfully I was able to fix them in time.

I spent the last two days printing, and got everything done. And let me tell you, 2 colour plates x 160 sheets on our press in 2 days, not to mention chopping them all in half and signing the limited edition of 12 - is not an easy feat!!!

Here's a bit of a documentation of the process:

Choosing my ink colour for the fountain (and making sure the middle mixes to a nice purple):

Putting the ink on the inking rollers:

Getting the plate all ready and properly dampened:

First print, colour no.1:

Day Two: Black Ink

Plate no. 2: Black plate

Sorting out some "too much water" issues:

Drying on print racks:

Sorting out some registration issues:


And some videos to explain the whole process (excuse the dodgy "self-camera" work)

*Images & videos all mine.

And that's the printing.

Website work has been a whole new world for me. I've never built a wordpress before and suddenly I've had to look up things like CSS codes. I think it's looking pretty good though! Don't you?

Thanks to Lucas Ihlein for all the help.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Putting up Street Art Posters

So I've been working lately at the Street Art part of my major project. Printing my posters should go ahead in the next 2 weeks.

Although I'm not some company using the streets of Sydney to advertise, I'm a little concerned about the locations I choose to put up my posters. I've done some research on the City of Sydney's bill posters policy. Part of my project does involve some "guerilla" activity, but I don't particularly want a $1500 fine, and more so, I want to get my message across which won't happen if the council just tears down my posters.

I'm going to use places that already have posters on them, so it probably won't annoy anyone too much. Furthermore, the council has proposed the following areas:

I may also try to get permission from UTS & USYD to put a couple of posters up too.

As for how to put up posters, many people use wheat glue but I was thinking of mostly using tape.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Behind the Scenes....

Some pics from behind the scenes on Sunday! It was good fun, and I think the pro shots will be pretty awesome. This is my beautiful model Amelia, my fantastic assistant Lena, and my photog Tristan. I'm proud of the hair, never done hair in my life!




Friday, August 24, 2012

i'm perfection

One of my articles involves inteviewing/ surveying models to find out how they feel about their looks. So many times have I heard from a friend "wow, if only I looked like that". But... everyone sees their own flaws and noone else's. It's not like Miranda Kerr has some magical ability to never have a bad hair/ skin day. We're all human, right?

A friend showed me this website, where models talk about the unseen flaws of their bodies.

i'm perfection

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Photoshoot - Sunday

So, a last minute change in plans for Sunday has seen me ask everyone I know about interesting locations in Sydney for fashion shoots. For my current concept I was looking for something interesting, but not too busy. And not a ocean/ beach scape. Cockatoo Island would be PERFECT if not for the thousand current biennale visitors. I'd love to do a shoot there for fun one day though. Must put that on the list of things to do post- December.

If anyone remembers, this is the shoot where I'm deleting the body from the frame. A little like this:

I had the idea just yesterday to have the model create a high contrast shadow behind her which will stay in the photos once the body has been edited out. Kind of like an echo.. or something metaphorical like that.

I've decided on Ballast Point Park. One of my writers recommended it and I remembered that my friend Mara Page took some shots there once. So I did a location scout today. The clothes are very earth-y colours, and I think it works well with the location.

*All the rest of the photos are mine.

And thanks to my awesome friend Kathleen Moodie, I borrowed some Fleur Wood clothing. Styling the outfits was tricky because they all need sleeves of some kind and I can't have jewellery over skin or it would be too hard too edit. I still have to buy socks of some kind for the coral shoes (too hard to edit the square cut out bits of the shoes).

(the flash makes the clothes look bad but they're actually very pretty silks and cottons!)

 And that's that! I'm semi-nervous, semi-excited about Sunday!